My practice is NEARLY full now.

Thanks for your support and trust. We have served more than  54000 patient-visits in 10 years.

Our primary focus is inflammatory conditions such as RA, PsA, and  SpA.

Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to follow chronic pain  and non-inflammatory conditions .

We usually do not  prescribe opioids or chronic pain medications.

Our system will discharge patients who do not show up to their appointments without prior notice. 

We provide medical care to wide variety of rheumatological conditions, including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis,  Connective Tissue Diseases , GCA, PMR….

Due to shortage of rheumatologists across the region, and my practice becoming full ,
I only focus on see inflammatory rheumatological conditions who require immunosuppressive therapies  and individuals who require steroid injections.

1-If you suspect inflammatory arthritis please make sure the patient has had at least these tests :
ESR,CRP, RF, anti CCP, Ferritin, Urate levels ( and Lyme serology if the knee joints are swollen).

2- If the patient’s ANA is positive , please do these tests before referring the patient : ENA, DsDNA, C3, C4, Serum Ig, CK , ESR, CRP, and Urine

3- If there is a suspicion of inflammatory back pain , the patient requires an :
MRI of Pelvis and Spine “MSK Protocol” to assess for inflammatory Spondyloarthropathy,
to expedite the consultation  process.

Of course I am always available on the other side of the phone to discuss your urgent cases such as GCA.






We also provide MSK Sonography, which helps the diagnosis of inflammation affecting  joint and tendons.


We also provide joint injections and infusions of biological medications.


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